In this glossary, we list every Sharelov Analytics term you will see and give you a super easy-to-read definition.
- Reach: the number of different people who see your post. One person can see your post fve times but is only counted once toward Reach.
- Impressions: the number of times your post is displayed on a viewer’s feed no matter if it was clicked or not. One person can have multiple impressions for a single piece of content.
- Engagements: measures the public shares, likes and comments for your online business’ social media efforts.
- Engagement Rate: the number of likes, comments and saves (IG only) divided by the number of followers at the time of the post.
- Clicks: the number of times users clicked on a post.
- Reactions: Facebook’s feature that serves as an extension of the Like button. Facebook users can react to your post by choosing between five emotions -Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry
- Total Fans: the total number of fans (Page likes) on your Facebook page

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